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African woman throwing green coffee beans

There’s a buzz around drinking good coffee and doing good, looking after the people who count (that’s you and our growers) – it’s how coffee should always be traded.

We set up the C2C Fund™ in 2015 to underpin our entire business, ensuring accountable, social, and environmental impact is delivered to coffee-growing communities in every cup of Mozzo coffee. Growing with every sale, we contribute with every cup, bag, and coffee pod sold. Essentially your coffee costs you no more, it just goes further. The fund is only invested in partnership projects for the betterment of our coffee-growing communities. But before we invest, any project must answer yes to at least 1 of our 3 fund criteria:

EQUITY – will it give farmers better control, resources, conditions, fair wage?
EDUCATION – will it empower the marginalised and award them opportunities?
ENVIRONMENT – will it contribute to, not harm the natural habitat and coffee ecosystem?


We build our contribution into every Mozzo sale, no matter what blend or single origin you pick: 1p per capsule, 1p per coffee bag, 5p per 250g bag and 10p per 500g bag (sold online), and 10p in every kg of roast and ground coffee bought by our trade partners. That contribution builds up and gets invested back into the community in the best interests of our farmers and their families.


We track the accumulated funds every month and publish them. Working with our small farm cooperatives to identify partner community projects, asking them where and how the fund will have the most impact, from their perspective. No quick fixes, only sustainable, long-term impact. When it’s time to invest, we send the funds to registered charity partners who manage the release of funds on the ground.


Since its creation in 2015, the C2C Fund™ has paid for better facilities and infrastructure in our Congolese and Honduran coffee farming communities. Including an office, cupping lab (first-stage bean taste test), internet via satellite, drying tables, and washing station, in the DRC with Muungano Cooperative in 2015-18 (and again supported the salary for expert agronomists in 2020). The build (and first year’s operation) of a maternity and paediatric clinic with Rebuild Women’s Hope Coffee Cooperative on Idjwi Island, DRC in 2019-2021. The construction of three new classrooms and development of toilet facilities, as well as lay a new play patio, fixing the roof, and erecting security gates at three schools in rural Honduras in 2023. 

Find out how Mozzo supports school projects in Honduras