seasonal coffee

Rising to new heights, this year's seasonal selection of coffees is brought to you from two superb South American cooperatives...

Shop RISE coffee

conservation coffee

Every year we release a seasonal coffee blend in Spring called RISE, named so after the resilient hopefulness of the change of season. The coffees that make up our seasonal blend this year are rooted in environmental enhancement and wildlife preservation. From Racafe in Colombia, where coffee is grown alongside avocadoes in a vibrant landscape of biodiversity, to Los Amigos del Oso project community in Peru, where the conservation of the forests and preservation of wildlife is paramount. As well as making up our seasonal blend, both coffees are available as individual single origins to explore and enjoy...

Meet the coffee growers...

viani, colombia

Collected from 3 coffee stations by Racafe Cooperative, from over 400 small farm holders, the washed Arabica coffee from Viani in Antioquia, Colombia makes up 60% of our RISE blend and is also available to enjoy as a Single Origin brew. Learn more about the 3 contributing stations below....

Buy Viani, Colombia coffee

Campo Hermoso

Santa rosa

El Refugio

Los Amigos Del Oso, Peru

Recently, the El Oso project has expanded its reach (named Los Amigos Del Oso) enabling more producers to contribute to their conservation efforts. The El Oso project was set up to conserve forests and wildlife around the coffee-growing areas in the protected natural area of Santuario Nacional Tabaconas Namballe in San Ignacio. Discover more about the animals and arboriculture below...

Buy El Oso, Peru coffee




Noella Mweragi an African child outside


Find out how your coffee purchase is helping deliver meaningful social equity to our coffee growers and their local communities.

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