

Feel the buzz of doing good with this truly life-saving coffee. We’re donating 100% of profits when you buy this remarkable collection of speciality coffee from Rebuild Women’s Hope Coffee Cooperative. From the funds we raise, we are building an intensive care unit and operating theatre at Matumaini Hospital on Idjwi Island, DRC.


Rebuild Women’s Hope (RWH) is a coffee cooperative led by Marceline Budza, a human rights activist. Empowering women of the DRC through financial independence in coffee farming, RWH is situated on the remote island of Idjwi in Lake Kivu, Eastern DRC. 

Our single-origin Rebuild Women's Hope speciality coffee is produced on the island of Idjwi in Lake Kivu, Eastern DRC. It has perfect growing conditions for superb quality Arabica coffee, with rich volcanic soils and altitudes exceeding 2,000 metres.

Officially the partnership began back in October 2019 after our founder Grant first visited Idjwi Island (he has been going to the DRC since 2014) There and then we committed our C2C Fund contributions for 2020 and 2021 to build and operate the first, and desperately needed, maternity clinic for the island.